UK VPS Server

You should be very careful in choosing the hosting provider and the hosting service type. You want to host your website as it might adversely affect the performance of your website and the business. If you are having a business that has a growth at a fast pace. You are sure that you will need more than the entry-level of hosting. If you do not have a big budget, then the UK VPS Hosting solution will be the perfect resource to host your business website. You will never need to face a number of problems regarding server uptime and the shortage of resources. Once you go for the virtual private server hosting service as you are having your own private space and your own allocated resources for maintaining the server uptime always to a 100% mark.

Name OS CoreRAM Harddisk Bandwidth IP DC Location Monthly Price
Turkey VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Istanbul, Turkey$20.00
Sweden VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1TB1 Stockholm, Sweden$20.00
Spain VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1 Madrid, Spain$20.00
South Korea VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Seoul, South Korea$15.00
South Africa VPS Custom11 GB30 GB HDD1 TB1Johannesburg, South Africa$27.00
USA VPS - Custom1 1 GB 30 GB SSD1 TB1 Missouri, USA$11.00
Ukraine VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1 Kyiv City, Ukraine$13.00
UK VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1London, UK$11.00
UAE VPS Custom1 1 GB 30 GB SSD100 GB1 Dubai, United Arab Emirates$24.00
Thailand VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Bangkok, Thailand$21.00
Switzerland VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Zurich, Switzerland$25.00
Singapore VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Singapore$21.00
Russia VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Moscow, Russia$15.00
Romania VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Bucuresti, Romania$15.00
Hong Kong VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Hong Kong, China$15.00
India VPS Custom11 GB 30 GB SSD1 TB1 Noida, India$19.00
Israel VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Ashdod, Israel$25.00
Malaysia VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Cyberjaya, Malaysia$20.00
1 1 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Tokyo, Japan$21.00
Netherlands VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Amsterdam, Netherlands$13.00
New Zealand VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Auckland, New Zealand$30.00
Norway VPS Custom11 30 GB SSDUnlimited1Oslo, Norway$25.00
Greece VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Thessaloniki, Greece$25.00
Germany VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB 1Kassel, Germany$9.00
France VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB 1Gravelines, France$9.00
Canada VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Montreal, Canada $11.00
Brazil VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Sao Paulo, Brazil$30.00
Australia VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1 Australia$20.00
Finland VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Helsinki, Finland$19.00
Italy VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Milan, Italy$15.00

Virtual private server hosting or VPS hosting is a hosting that is highly trending in the market due to its high performance and cost-effective nature. This comes in the form of a highly innovative approach. As it uses virtualization technology to partition the physical server into several virtual servers, and each of the virtual servers runs separately. Hypervisor software is used to perform this.

Security and privacy of the hosting are other factors that are to be looked at for any type and size of business. With the UK VPS Hosting service, the security and privacy of your hosted website are completely maintained. Because as a virtual private server, the server uses a private space so that no third-party applications and users can ever enter the private space. Also as you are not sharing your private assets as well as its operating system, the hosting type is completely secure. All the processes in the server space are completely ignorant to other users.

If you are having a business or a website having sensitive information about a customer. You should take utmost care in securing this information as this is your responsibility. You can always go for the UK VPS hosting plan so that the sensitive information of the customer visit. Your website will always be secured and no third party will be having any kind of access to it. The privacy of the business and the hosted website cannot be compromised under any circumstances. And this is one of the reasons why UK VPS hosting is considered the best hosting service. As it delivers high performance according to its price range. You will be getting more than what you pay for when you go for virtual private server hosting.

Easiness And Simplicity Of The UK VPS Hosting

You might be knowing that we only offer fully managed hosting services for UK VPS hosting. Our fully managed hosting services are always simple. So that the user will not have any problem working with them regardless of having an experience or not. You will get a seamless and smooth adoption of hosting services whenever you go for the virtual private server.

Transition And Migration Features

If you have known more about the UK VPS hosting services and you want to make a switch to this hosting from the shared web hosting service. Then this transition can be easily done by our expert staff. Also, the migration plans are available to perform with the other hosting providers. If you want to switch from another hosting provider and come to our platform.

You can just place a migration request. As soon as it is approved, your hosting plan will be migrated to our hosting platform and you can enjoy our UK VPS hosting services. The migration process is completely free of cost. This is done by our technical team so that you need not think of anything. Just place the migration request,  sit back and relax and the process will be done within minutes! We deal with such cases every day, therefore, this is not a big deal for us.

Fully Managed UK VPS Hosting Plans Just For You

The UK VPS hosting services have come out as a perfect alternative for all users. Who have faced restrictions of shared hosting and want an innovative type of approach to hosting at an affordable price. Also, the fully managed UK VPS hosting is for users who do not have any technical knowledge to manage the server. Once you are into the fully managed UK VPS hosting plan. The server maintenance such as regular updations, regular backups, regular monitoring, and regular server management will all be done by us.

We are a reliable hosting provider and we take care of all the issues regarding the hardware and software of the UK VPS hosting. Therefore our users only need to concentrate on their business and control the server according to their preferences. As full root access is provided more than operating freedom. The user can perform more tasks with the UK VPS hosting.