Dedicated Server Hositng

About The Dedicated Server Plans Price:

The Internet is ruling the world now, and everyone wants to take advantage of the Internet. The Internet is a never-ending opportunity where everyone wants to register its presence in different ways. For businesses, the Internet is like a boon. And in this post-pandemic world, business on the Internet has become the most lucrative opportunity. To take your business online, the primary thing you need is hosting, and the performance of your website depends on the type of dedicated server price you have chosen. Everyone requires hosting to take his web application, email server, and most importantly, a website to be perfectly active on the internet.

Shared hosting is the most familiar and primary type of hosting for business owners. So, if you are a beginner and didn’t know much about hosting or using hosting for the first time, then shared hosting is for you. But if you are professional and serious about taking your business to another level with the help of the Internet, then your best companion will be a Dedicated Server Price. A dedicated server is pervasive for international websites which have millions of active users. Some most common types of websites that use dedicated servers are social media sites, news sites, government sites, e-commerce websites, and multinational companies. Use dedicated servers for instant, consistent and rapid growth. The best thing about a dedicated web server is it allows you to earn the trust of your online users.

Pick the Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting Plan

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Having a dedicated server is the need for any of your hosting needs and if you think that a dedicated server price is out of your budget, then read this article. You will forget about the budget after knowing the advantages of having a dedicated hosting server.

Some Advantages of a Dedicated Server:

Data Security, Safety & Privacy

Today data is everything. From individuals to even multinational organizations, everyone is catching up to get more and more data. A dedicated server provides you with more security and safety of your and your users’ data. In shared hosting, data breaches or leaks are prevalent. If a hacker hacks the server on which different sites are hosted, then in one go, all the data of other websites have been in the wrong hands. So having a dedicated server is beneficial for your organization as well as your customers. All your data is in your control and is safe from the world. For a dedicated server, you want a trusted service provider. And could be the best option to get dedicated server hosting.

Excellent Performance

The best thing about a dedicated server is you get excellent and outstanding performance. All your products (web server, website) will work smoothly and seamlessly on the Internet. The simple reason behind this is that only your site uses the server and is not affected by several sites. The user experience on a site hosted on a dedicated server is a hundred times better than on a website hosted on a shared server. Don’t worry about your increasing traffic, as dedicated servers are designed to provide lightning-fast loading speed for your site. In case of heavy traffic and load also your website will work effectively and perfectly.

Highly Customizable

A dedicated web server is highly customizable, and you can set your preferences accordingly. You get a lot of options and tools to make your websites work effectively and smoothly in different conditions. From software to hardware customizations, you can do everything as you are the sole owner of your website as well as your dedicated server. Unlike shared hosting, you don’t need to depend on the hosting service provider or other organizations.

Better Infrastructure

A dedicated server has better infrastructure than a shared server, and thus they are more reliable and durable. In case of power cuts or any emergency related to power supplies, they have many alternative sources of power to keep your site active on the search engine.

Onliveserver provides the best infrastructure to the users who opt for a dedicated server. The best thing is dedicated server price is budget-friendly if you choose as your dedicated server provider.

Full-Time Technical Support

So, with a dedicated server, you will get a dedicated technical team that will offer you full-time technical support. provides you with the best technical support for all of your needs. Their team is professional, and they have the expertise to sort out all of your problems. This can be a game-changing point for a Windows Dedicated Server. Suppose a person doesn’t have technical knowledge related to hosting, then a dedicated server is the best option for you as you don’t need to take tension as the technical team is here to take care of everything. Our main motive is to render quality services to all our clients and keen to assist whosoever needed.


After reading about the advantages of a dedicated server, you will never think about the dedicated server price. A dedicated web server is the need of the hour, and for any of your web hosting requirements, there is no comparison to dedicated hosting. For your long-term needs and the rapid growth of your business, it is a must-have thing. A dedicated server justifies its pricing and has everything to impress you. Therefore, going for a dedicated server financially; benefits you and develops trust and satisfaction among the customers towards your business.